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RSJD Amino / |
Due to strengthen its team, Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Dr Amino Gondohutomo are currently taking applicants for the following positions:
Tenaga Kesehatan
Dokter Umum
- S1 General Medicine + STR
- Minimum GPA of 2.75 (S.Ked) and 3.00 (profession).
- Copy of STR.
- 1 position available.
Asisten Apoketer
- D3 Pharmaceutical + STR TTK.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copy of STR.
- 1 position available.
Perekam Medis
- D3 Medical Record + STR.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copy of STR.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Mastering coding.
- 2 positions available.
- D3 Midwifery + STR.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copy of STR.
- Copy of APN certificate.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Minimum height of 155cm.
- 8 positions available.
- D3 Nursing +STR.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copy of STR.
- Copy of BTCL/PPGD certificate.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Minimum height of 155 cm for Female and 160 cm for Male.
- 4 positions available
Perawat Anestesi
- D3 Nursing/Anesthesia + anesthesia Course + STR.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copy of STR.
- Copy of BTCL/PPGD certificate.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Training Certificate Nursing Anesthesia / Surgical
- Minimum height of 155 cm for Female and 160 cm for Male.
- 2 positions available.
Tenaga Teknis
Pengolah Data Kepegawaian
- S1 Law.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- 1 position available.
Pengadministrasi Kepegawaian
- D3 Archieves, Office Administration, Secretary.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- 1 position available.
Pengolah Data Elektronik
- S1 Information System, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Have programmer certificat and experienced in the field of programmer.
- 1 position available.
Teknisi Komputer
- D3 Information System, Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- 1 position available.
Teknisi Listrik
- SMK Electricity, Electro.
- Minimum average national exam score of 7.00.
- Previous experience in the related field at hospital is preferred.
- 1 position available.
Pengelola Kehumasan
- D3 Communication.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Female, with minimum height of 155 cm.
- 1 position available.
- SMK office Administration.
- Minimum average national exam score of 7.00.
- Female, good looking with minimum height of 155 cm.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- 1 position available.
- SMK Machinery, Automotive.
- Minimum average national exam score of 7.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Have driving license, minimum class A (SIM A).
- Experienced and proficient driving any kind of vehicles.
- Male.
- 2 positions available.
Penyusun Bahan Program dan Laporan
- S1 Public Health.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Computer literate.
- 1 position available.
Pengadministrasi Program dan Monev
- D3 Computer.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Computer literate.
- 1 position available.
Pengolah Data Diklat
- D3 Computer.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Computer literate.
- 1 position available.
Pengadministrasi Diklat dan Litbang
- D3 Office Administration.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Computer literate.
- Preferably Male.
- 1 position available.
Pramu Cuci
- SMK all majors.
- Minimum average national exam score of 7.00.
- 1 position available.
Pengadministrasi Keuangan
- S1 Economic Management.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Copies of other supporting certificates (seminar, workshop, training).
- Computer literate.
- Experienced prepare financial statements.
- 1 position available.