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PT Bank BRISyariah / |
PT Bank BRISyariah - BRISyariah is one of the most reliable sharia banks in Indonesia. Bank BRISyariah is 99.99% owned by PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, a biggest state-owned banks in Indonesia. As at September 2013, the Banks is based in Jakarta and supported by 252 office networks in all over Indonesia, including 50 branch offices, 193 sub branch offices, and 9 cash offices. According to BRISyariah's Financial Reports in 1st quarter of 2013 as cited by, BRISyariah achieved significant performance in 1st quarter of 2013 with sucessfully with booked total comprehensive income of Rp60.80 billion for the 1st quarter of 2013. During 2012, BRISyariah rewarded a number of awards and accolades to appreciate its performance achievements, such as Indonesia Brand Champion 2012, Top Brand Award 2012, and Indonesia Service Quality Award.
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, PT Bank BRISyariah are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions (based in Central Java and Yogyakarta)
Pemimpin Cabang Pembantu (PCM)
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, PT Bank BRISyariah are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions (based in Central Java and Yogyakarta)
Pemimpin Cabang Pembantu (PCM)
- Experienced in leading the Bank's working unit at least 2 years
- Placement : KCP Yogyakarta
- Experienced in leading the Bank's working unit at least 2 years
- Placement : KC Semarang
- At least 2 years experience as credit/financial analyst in bank or financial institution
- Placements : KC Purwokerto (Kroya Cilacap, Bobotsari Purbolinggo, Ajibarang, Cilacap)
- Experienced in leading the Bank's working unit at least 2 years
- Placements : KC Purwokerto (Kebumen, Purbalingga, Ajibarang, Cilacap)
- Minimum 2 years experience in selling the products of banks or other financial institution, preferably from micro banking
- Placements : KC Purwokerto (Kebumen, Purbalingga, Ajibarang, Cilacap), KC Yogyakarta (Prambanan, Wonosari, Godean, Gunung kidul, Magelang, Sleman, Muntilan), KC Semarang and KC Solo
- Minimum 2 years experience in selling the products of banks or other financial institution, preferably from micro banking
- Placements : KC Purwokerto (Kebumen, Purbalingga, Ajibarang, Cilacap), KC Yogyakarta (Magelang, Outlet Sleman, Muntilan ), KC Semarang and KC Solo
- Experienced in marketing financial products; Commercial, Retail or Consumer Linkage least 2 years
- Placements : KC Purwokerto (Kebumen, Purbalingga, Ajibarang, Cilacap), KC Yogyakarta (KCP Prambanan), KC Semarang and KC Solo
For further information, please refer official source from PT Bank BRISyariah on following link below. For those who are interested and posses the above required qualifications, please forward your applications and comprehensive resume not later than 5 October 2013 to BRISyariah KC Purwokerto - Jl Jendral Sudirman No 393 Purwokerto / BRISyariah KC Yogyakarta - Jl Yos Sudarso No 1 Yogyakarta / BRISyariah KC Semarang - Jl Pandanaran No 127 Semarang / BRISyariah KC Solo - Jl Veteran No 120 Gajahan Pasar Kliwon Solo. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment. ( / Source)